Input and Output

Use ReadableStream and WritableStream from Deno APIs for input and output.

Write to Stdout

Write to stdout a line at a time using console.log.

await range({ to: 3 })
  .forEach((line) => console.log(line.toString()));

Write to stdout as a WritableStream. In the case of stdout, we don't close it. To use writeTo, the data has to be in Uint8Array form. This also adds output buffering to consolidate the write operations into larger chunks.

Deno.stdout.writable is a WritableStream.

await range({ to: 10000 })
  .map((n) => n.toString())
  .writeTo(Deno.stdout.writable, { noclose: true });

Run a child process and stream output directly to stdout. This has no conversion to lines and no additional buffering, so it will also work with ANSI escape codes and positioning characters.

await run("ls", "-la")
  .writeTo(Deno.stdout.writable, { noclose: true });

Read from Stdin

Read stdin. Uncompress it and convert to lines (string). Remove all the blank lines. Count them. Print the count.

Deno.stdin.readable is a ReadableStream which is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.

  await enumerate(Deno.stdin.readable)
    .filter((line) => line.trim().length === 0)