proc 0.22.1

When I started this project, Deno was still young. My goal was to create a better way to run child processes. I realized the Deno had the potential to be a better version of Bash scripting. In its simplest form, a Deno script can run standalone, without external configuration or compilation. A big selling point is safety: decent type support and security-by-default. The complete lack of any guardrails in Bash scripts, or really for any scripting languages commonly available to system admins, is a lurking problem. These scripts often run with root privileges, and you can't always test them before you run them for the first time on a production server. Ouch.

However, the young Deno lacked a lightweight, fluent way to run child processes - the one thing that Bash is exceedingly good at.

Fast forward a few years and a few rewrites. The library has become a way to work with streaming data (files, IO, etc.) using JavaScript's standard AsyncIterable in place of streams. You can use map, filter, find, and a whole bunch of other methods - just like you would on an Array - but they are streamed and lazy. Errors work the way you expect them to. You can quickly process through terrabytes of information using very little memory.

It also lets you run child processes. Yeah, that part turned out really good. It's easy. It's almost trivial. You can run processes concurrently. There is a little more boilerplate than Bash, you know, because it uses Typescript syntax - but it is really minimal and easy to read. Deno has improved their process runner since the old days, but this is still better.

This project has been a labor of love. I use this every single day, so I know it works. I am now actively working toward the 1.0 release. Deno 2.0 has arrived, and the legacy version of the code has been removed. The last version that supports Deno 1.46.3 is 0.21.x. Version 0.22.0 forward is tested on Deno 2.0, though it will probably work for late versions of Deno 1.

If you happen to come across this project and wonder if it might be useful for you, know that I have been working on this for a couple of years now, and development and active support are ongoing. No warranties or promises, of course.

Developer Documentation


import { run } from "";

A Simple Example

Run ls -la as a child process. Decode stdout as lines of text. Print to console.

await run("ls", "-la").toStdout();

A Better Example

Don't worry about understanding everything in this example yet. This shows a little of what is possible using proc.

Given the text for War and Peace:

  • Read the file into an AsyncIterable of Uint8Array.
  • Uncompress it (the file is GZ'd).
  • Convert to lowercase using JavaScript, because the JavaScript conversion is more correct than the one in tr.
  • grep out all the words on word boundaries.
  • tee this into two streams (AsyncIterable of Uint8Array) of words.
    • Count the total number of words.
    • Use sort with uniq to count the unique words.
const [words1, words2] = read(
  .map((line) => line.toLocaleLowerCase())
  .run("grep", "-oE", "(\\w|')+") // grep out the words to individual lines

const [uniqueWords, totalWords] = await Promise.all(["sort").run("uniq").lines.count(),

console.log(`Total:  ${totalWords.toLocaleString()}`);
console.log(`Unique: ${uniqueWords.toLocaleString()}`);

Up to the point where we run Promise.all, this is asynchronous, streaming, lazily evaluated code. It is trivially running three child processes (grep, sort, and uniq), a DecompressionStream transform, and in-process logic to normalize to lower-case. This is all happening concurrently, mostly in parallel, one buffer, one line, or one word at a time.