Running a Process

proc lets you run a process from Deno with as little boilerplate as possible.

import { run } from "";

To ls -la:

await run("ls", "-la").toStdout();

To capture the lines as an array:

const lines: string[] = await run("ls", "-la").lines.collect();

Create a Command Programmatically

import { Cmd, run } from "";

A command requires that the first parameter be defined, and that it be either a string or a URL. Additional parameters are string values. This doesn't quite fit the signature of an array. Use Cmd as the type of the array. This can be spread into run.

// Assume options.all is a defined boolean.

const cmd: Cmd = ["ls"];
if (options.all) {

await run(...cmd).toStdout();

The command array is type Cmd, not string[]. You need to declare this explicitly.