
Process standard output, or stdout, is an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>.

This can be efficiently piped to another process with run:

// Count the words and print the result.
await run("echo", "Hello, world.").run("wc", "-w").toStdout();

You can't assume much about the data you are receiving from a process. It may be written out line by line, or it may be in large or small chunks.

await run("echo", "Hello, world.").forEach((it) => console.dir(it));

// Uint8Array(14) [
//    72, 101, 108, 108, 111,
//    44,  32, 119, 111, 114,
//   108, 100,  46,  10
// ]

That's not very useful. Let's try again, converting to text.

await run("echo", "Hello,\nworld.").lines.forEach((it) => console.dir(it));

// Hello,
// world.

To convert the lines to an array, collect them.

const data: string[] = await run("echo", "Hello,\nworld.").lines.collect();

// [ "Hello,", "world." ]

If you just want to dump the output from the child process to stdout, there is an easy way to do that.

await run("echo", "Hello, world.").toStdout();

// Hello, world.