proc 0.21.9

proc let's you use child processes with AsyncIterable instead of the streams API, and it includes a library of higher-order functions for AsyncIterator via Enumerable that roughly matches what you can do with an array (map, filter, find), but for asynchronous code.

proc simplifies the process of converting a bash script into a Deno application. The intention is to make writing code that uses lots of IO and child processes almost as easy as shell scripting, but you also get proper error handling, type checking, and Deno's security-by-default.

Developer Documentation


import { run } from "";

A Simple Example

Run ls -la as a child process. Decode stdout as lines of text. Print to console.

await run("ls", "-la").toStdout();

A Better Example

Don't worry about understanding everything in this example yet. This shows a little of what is possible using proc.

Given the text for War and Peace:

  • Read the file into an AsyncIterable of Uint8Array.
  • Uncompress it (the file is GZ'd).
  • Convert to lowercase using JavaScript, because the JavaScript conversion is more correct than the one in tr.
  • grep out all the words on word boundaries.
  • tee this into two streams (AsyncIterable of Uint8Array) of words.
    • Count the total number of words.
    • Use sort with uniq to count the unique words.
const [words1, words2] = read(
  .map((line) => line.toLocaleLowerCase())
  .run({ buffer: true }, "grep", "-oE", "(\\w|')+")

const [uniqueWords, totalWords] = await Promise.all(["sort").run("uniq").lines.count(),

console.log(`Total:  ${totalWords.toLocaleString()}`);
console.log(`Unique: ${uniqueWords.toLocaleString()}`);

Up to the point where we run Promise.all, this is asynchronous, streaming, lazily evaluated code. It is trivially running three child processes (grep, sort, and uniq), a DecompressionStream transform, and in-process logic to normalize to lower-case. This is all happening concurrently, mostly in parallel, one buffer, one line, or one word at a time.